Sunday 6 November 2011

Kick off

To all who read this (If any?) my underlying goal is to try and document my trip to Tokyo in 7 days time infact as I write this I would be sitting in seat 65D somewhere above some part of the world fullstop (amidoingitright?)

On a side note I am new to this whole blogging thing, I'm not much of a writer let alone an author but heres hoping Travel channel finds this and offer me some sort of deal.
I guess this is a forewarning to all who get upset about terrible puncuation and the like I am no Shakespear but bear with me and I hope to share some insight into not only my crazed thoughts but potentially Tokyo as a city and a place to visit.

This whole situation came about last Tuesday. I stumbled across the grabaseat website while walking down my path of procrastination and I seen that at 2pm there was a reverse auction happening for one return ticket flying Air New Zealand to Tokyo. Now I have always wanted to go to this city but as I sat there in my office chair internalising a really complicated situation in my head (har har) I came to the conclusion which I come to quite often in my life "Fuck it just do it" and so I did, I bought a return ticket to Tokyo.

Next step was trying to find my sack as my mother was coming home shortly and I knew for a fact she would be none to pleased and guess what?!? She wasn't. She did come round to the idea though and soon was lecturing me on the pitfalls of being a drug mule and all those other bad things mums worry about.

This blogging thing is kind of fun, I think I'm starting to enjoy it...

Accomodation, :O shit it can get pricey in Tokyo. I ended up after doing a ton of research settling on the district of Shibuya. Plenty of shopping, bars, clubs and crazy Japanese people plus only a stones throw away from Roppongi and Shinjuka, two other districts which are apparently equally as exciting. Have a look at anyway to give you a rough idea of how the land lies.
The hotel I ended up booking was the Shibuya City Hotel ( One thing I have really noticed is Google translate has become my best friend. The hotel itself is not massive, the rooms are small but its fairly well placed and I would be lying if I said the major selling point is its not 40000 plus yen a night like everything else seemed to be, only costing me 36000 yen for the 5 days.

Then came the passport debacle mine had expired so Wednesday had me sitting in the Manukau internal affairs office for the best part of a morning trying not to vomit at all these overweight (dare I say it? "Fuck it just do it") island woman wearing these stretched and saggy tights as pant substitutes. I am hardly a model figure myself but even I know what I can wear and what I can't. Conclusion: Instead of donating  to world vision I'm donating mirrors to South Auckland. Hah I just laughed at my own joke...

Yesterday I went out with the Father, he came up from Waihe beach. I grabbed 4 new t-shirts managed to wrangle a new suitcase for $60 from my old Briscoes hookups and remembered to buy the all important travel plug for the electrical sockets. So as of now I'm set and ready to fly more or less providing I don't part ways with living in the next 6 and a half days (fingers crossed)

Biggest thing I am worried about is getting from the airport to the hotel but I think I have got it covered. You can take the train but as I arrive at basicly rush hour im none to keen to give that a go as apparently I have to swap trains and do a few crazy things.
They have a thing called a limosine bus or something, for a few thousand yen it can drop me off not to far from my hotel all while affording me a more thorough view of everything as I roll closer to my destination.

As to what I am planning to do over there I have no idea, I want to explore most of all, see what its really all about. I wouldn't mind visiting a sumo stable and seeing some sumo's.
This is probably the most difficult paragraph to write as I have no concrete plans so coincidently have nothing to share :P

I hope whoever reads this enjoys this little snippit, plan is to try and update every day when I am over there with text, pictures and/or video plus I'm sure a few entries will be written prior to departure as excitement and nerves set in. Hopefully its all a bit of fun :D

P.S. Wasn't that first sentence so bland and boring to read?
